Friday, February 4, 2011


I've always been the type of girl that got along better with guys. Don't get me wrong - I had girl friends in high school - just not an abundance of them. I hung out with more guys and seemed to get along better with them. For some reason the whole "girl" scene has always seemed catty to me. Girls tend to get angry over stuff that I don't generally think matters. BUT I have come to realize that even though for me having great girl relationships is rare, the ones I have are amazing. I think its important for all of us girls to have other girls in our lives - we can relate to each other better than we can relate to guys. My girlfriends always back me up, but then again they are not afraid to call me out when I may be overreacting on something. My girlfriends give me peace of mind when I feel like I'm going crazy. My girlfriends assure me that my feelings are valid. AND I laugh the hardest with these girls. So even though I've spend the majority of my life getting along better with guys (for the most part), I couldn't live without my girls. So this is a big shout out to the girls that have been there for me through whatever crisis I may be having on a certain day, have been there to remind me that other people do go through the same stuff as me, and to laugh with me. You all are very important in my life and I love ya!

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