Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today I look back on the last six years and it has all gone by in a whirlwind. My oldest, Ethan, was born six years ago today at 7:05pm weighing in at 8lbs 2oz (my SMALLEST baby to date). I can't believe that he is six. I can't believe that he is already in kindergarten. I can't believe that in a few short years he will probably be taller than me and I will be looking up at him. When he was born I was only 23. Wow. Not a super young age to have a baby, but when I look by at how far I've come in life since then I sometimes wonder - what was I thinking?? Don't get me wrong - Ethan was actually planned so clearly I THOUGHT I knew what I was getting myself into! But as I've gotten older and had two more babies, I find myself with more patience and trying harder to cherish the moments I have with them, as they go by so fast. I try not to be hard on myself when they sleep in my bed because there are worse things in life and I should let them be little. I've learned so much from one baby to the next, yet wouldn't change a thing that I have done with any of them. But back to Ethan...he and I are so much alike and butt heads on a daily basis. He is an amazing little boy though. It blows my mind how he catches on to things, how he remembers everything, and how much of a big helper he can be. He is the ultimate protective older brother, yet he's not too old to snuggle with mom. So Ethan, tonight on your sixth birthday, remember how much mommy loves you, that you always be the "original" baby, and that you will always be my bug!

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