Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Google Obsessed

What did we ever do without the internet and Google? Seriously, I don't know how anyone ever functioned when they had to use actual reference books to find an answer to a question. I sometimes get a little out of control with Google and use it to diagnose myself and my kids with different things (don't judge - you know you do it too!) My latest discovery is about my three year old. After a Google search I have clearly confirmed that he has ODD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder. All symptoms point to him suffering from this - or rather point to me and Dan being the ones doing the suffering. His tantrums can be totally unbearable, nothing is ever is fault, and if he doesn't want to do something he will just outright say no. ODD or typical three year old behavior? You tell me...


  1. first of all, I didn't know you had a blog! awesome! secondly, they is typical 3 year old (and 4 yo) behavior, in my experience anyway...and from what I remember, it doesn't really get better until they go to college :) but sharing it on here will reaffirm that your boys are just as normal (crazy?) as the rest of our kids!

  2. Maybe he does suffer from ODD or it could qquite possibly be normal 3yr old behavior. My 8yr old suffers from ADHD & ODD - he was diagnosed almost 2yrs ago. The DDBP group we see at CCHMC told me that in most cases when a child has 1 of these disorders usually another links to it. I hope for him and you as the parents sake he doesnt!!

  3. I think hold off on ODD diagnosis. It is mainly a reason to put kids on medication. Mason was diagnosed with ODD in kindergarten... really, he has ADD & PTSD. He had been through 3 years of counseling, and 2 therapists when we got this one. And, it fits so much better... I quit the therapy bc he still wouldn't talk to her. The meds for ODD made him sleepy, so he took it at night, and still had one after school. Mainly, Risperdol (sp?) is used for split personalities.
    Honestly, wait for him to get older... Morgan could be diagnosed ODD too... ;) I had one place tell me Zack has tourette's...
    Boys are crazy and more disrespectful than girls at the ages our kids are... So, just be patient. :)

  4. Thanks for your thoughts girls. I sometimes drive myself crazy wondering what I am doing wrong for them to act a certain way. They are lucky I love them so much because they can certainly drive me crazy!! =)
