Thursday, January 20, 2011

Power Struggle

So for anyone who doesn't know, I am currently back in school (and have been for a year) pursuing my teaching license. I have a degree in marketing that I have never used and am hoping that I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up.

I'm in a fifth grade classroom this semester, which has been quite an adjustment from the first graders I was with last semester. My cooperating teacher has been out all week due to her husband having surgery. I had a sub with me today because IWU won't let me use sub hours to count towards my classroom hours (STUPID!). Anyway, this sub has been subbing at the school corperation for years and is pretty well known. I had written the lesson plans for the entire week. She comes in and as I am trying to explain to her what is going on for the day, she sort of pushes me out of her way and tells me that she needs to "nest" and "get settled" first. Seriously? I mean the kids are coming in at this point. She was not pleased that I wrote the lesson plan and didn't seem too pleased to find out that I would be doing the teaching for that day. So she says to me, "You can teach, but I will be in charge of the discipline." Ummm...okay. Have at it lady. I will teach and sit hear and look pretty while you tell the kids to shut up all day. She then compared me to the "teacher cadets" that come over and teach from the high school. No offense lady, but I am not in high school - I am an adult. I have kids of my own, this is not my first go round in the classroom and I'm pretty sure I could've handled it...but we'll do it your way. =)


  1. I felt EXACTLY the same way last week when I was teaching a lesson (11th grade- I have absolutely no interest in pursuing a teaching career, but the GI Bill is paying for my education, so why not lol)- I am trying to wrap up my graduate degree, and HATE being compared to the 'traditional' students who are barely 21 years old who are also there for clinical experience. Sorry, I have my OWN children, am an adult, oh, and have done a tour in the Military- I don't think that puts me in the same category as the gum-snapping/texters getting in their lessons and observations along with me. Give me just a littttle more credit!!!
    I'm with you, Nikki!!! Deep breaths:)

  2. So, first of all. I LOVE that you started a blog, I've considered a few times. I'm such a blog stalker! :) OMG! How dare that lady, she doesn't know who she is messing with! I have my first observation on will actually be the first time I'm teaching an entire lesson, we will see how it goes!

  3. Amanda - glad I'm not alone in this! =)

    Brittany - Good luck on Tuesday! I know you'll do great. I should be having my first observation of the semester this Wednesday or Thursday. I get so nervous, but it has always turned out pretty well. Let me know how yours goes!
